Todays Santa Barbara Vizsla Lovers Group grew out of a small social group of Vizsla Families back in 2008. In 2010 the groups VFUN purpose expanded, recognizing the need for an active Rescue Group in our region as SBVLG volunteers began doing occasional rescues, often in conjunction with affiliate groups. Vsupport was being offered via educational forums, offering friendship and guidance for new Vowners and reaching out to those experiencing difficulties with the Vizsla-Family-bond.
In response to the increasing V’s in need of finding forever homes, The Santa Barbara Vizsla Lovers Group, of California obtained it's a 501.c.3 non-profit status as a Vizsla rescue organization in October 2016. The rescue supports Vizlsas in need along the coastal regions of CA, from San Obispo to San Diego, as well as inland to Bakersfield and San Bernardino.
SBVLR's mission is to find Vtastic homes, provide transportation and necessary support for Vizslas in need, as well as socialization and education. V-vice and support is offered for re-homed Vizlsas and their families. VFUN continues to be a central part of the community, scheduling V-play dates for their furry friends and not to be missed are the V’izsla Fests!! It’s a day of play, with 20+ Vizslas gathering together to enjoy a hike/beach walk, returning for a delicious pot-luck for the two-legged and pupcakes for the V's.
Volunteer members, led by our experienced Rescue Coordinators, assess dogs in shelters or in the home setting, provide transport to pre-qualified Foster homes, arrange for private Veterinary assessments and treatment as needed, as well as conferring with professional trainers if behavioral problems are present.
Prior to adopting, all dogs have a health/temperament check, receive updated vaccines, dental and nail care, are neutered or spayed, and are microchipped. Other necessary Veterinary care is provided if at all possible. Our Foster Parents are all experienced Vizsla Moms and Dads and provide care in their homes as if the dog were their own family member (sleep outdoors? It's a VIZSLA--perish the thought!).
Vizslas are a special hunting breed, packed with a lot of energy, thriving on athletic activities and need vigorous exercise EVERY DAY. We call them Velcro-Vs because they are your shadow, wanting to permanently attach themselves to their two- legged friends, preferably in their laps. Your relationship is extremely rewarding but this breed requires a special kind of person or family.
FOR RESCUE NEEDS or to inquire about adopting a Rescue Vizsla from us, send an email via our Contact Us Page or FACEBOOK Page